Fort/Da III-Unbox

Grand finale: Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop goes back to the future for « FORT/DA III – Unbox (Clear Skies Remix) ». The 2016 production « Unbox » will be upended, remixed into the open, petrified and dashed to shivers. The audience will get lost in labyrinths where it will find unreasonably beautiful music by Lisa Bielawa, Sebastian Claren, Pauline Oliveros, Franz Schubert and Salvatore Sciarrino. Before that journey into the unknown, Rashad Becker will offer quidance with his live electronic view on the Coming.

Kaleidoskop goes romantic – in series! Don’t ask questions, and don’t stop playing. In this three-part concert series Franz Schubert, Sebastian Claren, César Franck, Peter Ablinger, Pauline Oliveros, Theodor W. Adorno and Giuseppe Verdi meet Philipp Enders, copy & waste and Rashad Becker. Radialsystem turns into a playground where you will hear splutters, stammers and scratches, and where you will indulge in the sweet sound of strings. First and foremost, it’s all about the music and the sensual, fragile, complex and touching ways in which it leads our thoughts into the unspeakable.


Concept: Tilman Kanitz, Lyllie Rouvière, Arnaud Poumarat, Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop
Music and Performance: Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop and Rashad Becker
Choreography: Lyllie Rouvière
Light: Arnaud Poumarat
Support: a project by Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop in cooperation with Radialsystem. Funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. The comissioned works by Rashad Becker and Sebastian Claren are funded by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.

July 2018, Radialsystem V, Berlin (DE)

« Das Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop bestreitet keine „normalen“ Konzerte. Es „performt“. Das heißt, es setzt seine Konzertdramaturgie fein abgestimmt auf die Werke und ihre Kombination im räumlichen und klanglichen Zusammenhang ein. Das geht mal schlechter auf, mal besser. Bei ihrem Abend „Fort / Da III – Unboxed (Clear Sky Remix) “ hat alles gestimmt. » (read more) Komplizenschaft im Nebel – Das Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop im Berliner Radialsystem V, Martin Hufner, nmz


Photos: Christina Voigt